VDL, VDLF series

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VDL, VDLF series
Vertical Multistage Pumps
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 VDL, VDLF series is Vertical multistage stainless steel centrifugal pump, flow rate from 0.4m3/h to 240m3/h, head from 10m to 305m.

It can be used for Cooling water system, Municipal water supply and boosting, Domestic water supply, Irrigation, General industrial services, Washing plants, Boiler feed and condensate system, Water treatment.
All the parts contact with liquid is made of SS304 stainless steel, (SS316 stainless steel on request). The pump head and suction & discharge can be made of cast iron on request too.
VDL, VDLF stainless steel vertical multistage pumps close coupled by a standard TEFC motor, discharge and suction in the same line. Standard pump motor single phase motor up to 1.5kw(3phase for bigger sizes), Class F and IP55. Standard liquid temperature up to 70?, high temperature pump are available on request. Mechanical seal is Tungsten Carbide/Graphite, other material is available.

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